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Piano Gloves

Playing the piano is a valuable activity that offers numerous benefits to our cognitive development. Unfortunately, the high cost of purchasing a piano presents a significant barrier to low-income families, depriving the underprivileged of the opportunity to improve their cognitive abilities through this musical practice.

The Piano Gloves project aims to address this challenge by introducing a DIY educational solution. Using affordable electronics and with access to a FabLab, anyone can create their own gloves. The gloves are designed to enhance various learning styles by stimulating the brain through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic inputs.

The gloves leverage muscle memory, sound input, and visual feedback to help learners develop piano-playing skills. With this innovative and affordable solution, more individuals can access the cognitive benefits of playing the piano, regardless of their financial circumstances.

The project features a bespoke break-out board that streamlines and consolidates all electronic components of the Piano Gloves within the e-textile soft circuit, ensuring optimal functionality and ease of use.

Year: 2023

Place: Amsterdam

Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Arduino, Cricut

Fabrication Tools: Laser-cutter ‏

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